Costa Rican Contemporary Plays


Gabriel Baltodano Román
Francisco Vargas Gómez
Victor S. Drescher


From the last decade of the twentieth century through the first two decades of the present century, contemporary Costa Rican theater has experienced the development of various currents. While some of these have appeared in the form of new esthetic-theatrical expressions, others have come in the form of fresh thematic offerings. In some cases, these are rooted in Latin American political theater, although seen from a more recent perspective, given the region’s historic circumstances. In others, we are viewing the world through the eyes of an individual who has been subjugated by a system that controls everything.

This anthology is the third volume in the series Costa Rican Literature in Translation which the UNA University Press is offering to the reading public. The first two volumes, one of poetry and the other of short stories, have already been published.

The editors of this volume made a meticulous selection of representative Costa Rican plays and the translator, Victor S. Drescher– who also translated the first two volumes– rewarded their effort with an outstanding English version of the original works.

In this way the UNA University Press has expanded its catalogue of important Costa Rican literary Works and made more of them accessible to a broader linguistic and cultural audience.


  • PREFACE, Gabriel Baltodano and Francisco Vargas Gómez
  • TRANSLATOR’S FOREWORD, Victor S. Drescher
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, Victor S. Drescher

Biografía del autor/a

Gabriel Baltodano Román

GABRIEL BALTODANO is a professor at the National University of Costa Rica and an expert in Latin American literature. He has a doctorate in Studies on Society and Culture. He is currently directing a program on the research and teaching of Central American Culture (MECC). He has done many studies on Costa Rican and Spanish American literature, most notably his recent research on humor, as well as numerous articles on historiography and literary criticism. He also conducted a great deal of work in the area of editorial administration and has organized numerous congresses and academic conferences related to his field of specialization.

Francisco Vargas Gómez

FRANCISCO VARGAS GÓMEZ is an expert in the science of translation as well as a practicing translator. He has done a significant amount of research on the history of translation in Central America. He is currently conducting the research Program on Translation and Interpretation (ProgTI) at the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). He not only directs the program but also teaches translation studies. He has a doctorate in translation from the University of Alicante, Spain. In addition, he has completed postdoctoral studies in his specialty. He has published numerous articles in his field of study, both in Costa Rica and abroad.

Victor S. Drescher

VICTOR S. DRESCHER taught French and Spanish for thirty-five years at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). During that time, he created IUP study abroad programs in France, Germany, Mexico and Costa Rica. In 1997, he founded IUP Translation Services, which he directed during his last ten years at that university. More recently he has been translating major works of Costa Rican literature into English. These translations are being published in three anthologies which will focus on poetry, short stories, and theater.





Detalles sobre el formato de publicación disponible:


ISBN-13 (15)


Detalles sobre el formato de publicación disponible:


ISBN-13 (15)


Palabras clave:

theater, plays, Costa Rican literature, anthology